Ton's O Coupons!
We just sent a TON of coupons to an Army Military Base in Okinawa, Japan!! They can used our expired coupons up to 6 months after the expired date!!!
ae :)
Renew, Reinvent & Recycle!

Target is offering a coupon for a FREE recycled tote bag when you help recycle your used Target plastic bags.
Here's the scoop:
Remove the cover from the October 27 issue of People magazine. (Don't get People? Don't despair. You can still participate.)
Fold the cover inside out; then tape the sides to create an envelope. (For those without People, simply use a plain 8 1/2 x 11 or larger envelope.)
Fill the pouch with FIVE plastic Target bags.
Seal all sides of your homemade envelope and drop it in the mailbox by November 30, 2008. It is already postage paid and pre-addressed. (If you're sending a regular envelope, mail it to TerraCycle, 121 New York Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08638. Make sure it has a return address!)
Your coupon for a free recycled tote, redeemable at Target, should arrive in January 2009.
Need more info? Go to the official "Retote" website.
Happy recycling!
Found a great FIND? Let us know about it!
COUPON RING - Started today!!!
The coupon ring has officially started, it's IN THE MAIL!!! Read a little more about it here.
It's NOT too late to get involved! Just leave me a comment with your email address so I can contact you for your address and we will add you to the Ring...you can expect to start receiving coupons in one month!!!
We have 4 ladies involved currently, April, Terri, Angie and Brittany! So ladies expect to be receiving your coupon stash very soon!!!!
50 Free Prints

Rite Aid is offering 50 free 4x6 prints for pick-up in stores!!! Who doesn't love FREE...just go here to sign-up.
Upload your 50 pictures...
Enter the coupon code: 50FREEPRINTS
*note* be sure to print out your order receipt!!!
TRYUS4 - $1.98 credit towards prints
TRYUS5 - 20% off, except prints
TRYUS2 - 10% off, except prints