
Four Hours of My Saturday Grocery Shopping.

With Shoppers running their big promotion of doubled and tripled coupons this weekend, I packed up all of my coupons and set off to save lots of money. Save lots of money I did. I got so excited after my first trip that I even went back today and stocked up on more very inexpensive (and sometimes even free) groceries and house supplies. I may have done such fabulous things with coupons this weekend that even my hero, The Coupon Mom, would be proud.

I spent four hours of my Saturday grocery shopping
- a definite new record in our house. I had a blast finding deals and using my coupons - my persistence absolutely paid off. Shoppers was tripling the value of coupons 50 cents and lower, and doubling coupons ranging from 50 cents to one dollar. I went through my entire coupon file, figuring out what coupons I could use to get free items and what coupons would give me significant discounts on items.

Some examples of my Saturday finds:

Betty Crocker Instant Potatoes $1.00 - minus tripled 50 cent coupon = free!

Dish Soap $1.39 each - minus doubled $1 off of 3 coupon = 3 for $2.17!

Peter Pan Peanut Butter $2.59 - minus two different doubled 50 cent coupons = free!

Celestial Seasonings Tea $2 - minus doubled $1 off coupon = free (and I had two coupons - so I got 2 FREE boxes!)

No Nonsense Panty Hose $1.99 - minus doubled $1 off coupon = free!

I could go on and on with this - the coupon game is such fun to play!

When I checked out
on Saturday I had a cart that was literally filled to overflowing. I had groceries, laundry and cleaning supplies, baby food, paper towels, and even mouse traps in my cart.

My total before coupons - $273.11.

My total after - $136.72! I cut my bill by exactly 50%. Impressive, huh?

When I got home, I took some time to regroup and think about what further free items I may have missed out on. Since this promotion ends today, Andrew and I headed back to Shoppers this evening to see what fab
ulous deals we could find. I walked out of the store only paying for my bottle of iced tea. We bagged $26.87 worth of items completely free.

Want some more examples?
Muir Glen Organic Crushed Tomatoes $1.89 - minus doubled $1 o
ff coupon = free (and I had 4 coupons - so we have 4 free cans of crushed tomatoes!)

Trident Total Care Gum $1.39 - minus doubled 75 cent coupon = free!

Reynolds Wax Paper $1.29 - minus tripled 50 cent coupon = free!

Oikos Greek Yogurt $2 - minus doubled $1 off coupon = free (we had 2!)

Green Giant Veggies $1.89 - minus doubled $1 off coupon = free (again - had 2!)

I am so beyond excited about my weekend of savings at Shoppers! I am normally Shoppers' number one critic, but if they keep up promotions like this, I may be willing to deal with all of the hassles that I experience there on a weekly basis.

Yay for Shoppers. Yay for me!


April E. :) said...

TT you might just be MY new hero!!! I can't seem to get THAT good at coupons! boo...

Angie said...

I actually did pretty well myself, I saved $45.60 on my Shoppers trip and then went agin on Sunday and saved an additional $11.70. I was proud. Tay for me!